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FUTA Sends 12 Students To American University (photo)

futa sends 12 Student To Usa To Study.

FUTA Sends 12 Undergraduate Students To American

The Vice-Chancellor of the Federal University of
Technology, Akure (FUTA), Prof. Adebiyi Daramola has
admonished the fourth set of students who recently
proceeded to the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical
University (FAMU), Tallahassee, Florida, United States of
America for the completion of their undergraduate
programmes to sustain and improve on the already
established positive image of the University during their
academic sojourn in America.

He stated this at a departure send-off organized for the
12 students who will be in the United States for two
sessions under the aegis of the existing academic
exchange programme and memorandum of
understanding between both institutions.

Reviewing the performance of students in the
collaboration since inception of the 4+1+1 programme
under which selected FUTA students complete the last
year of their undergraduate programme in FAMU and
proceed to do their masters, Daramola said, "I am very
happy to announce to you that your predecessors in the
programme have made us proud.

They keep our flag flying and keep making us shine. I
want you to make FUTA shine better. Since the
programme started, we have received positive reports
about our students. They have performed morally and
academically well. As I am talking to you, one of them
who went in 2014 will be completing his Doctorate in
April, 2017. This is a great feat he is almost a Ph.D.
holder. That is why I always say sky is not just the
limit, but the starting point for the serious type.
Therefore, I urge you to utilize this rare opportunity to
the best."

While appreciating the investment of the parents,
Daramola said "I congratulate parents for this huge
investment into the future. This is because we all know
how difficult the Nigerian economy is, especially
because of the exchange rate of the naira to foreign
currencies. I pray that your investment on these children
will never be in vain. They will all succeed and make you
and the University proud."

Daramola admonished the students to justify their
parents’ investment and be good ambassadors of their
parents, the University and Nigeria. He also assured the
University community about his administration’s effort
in increasing collaboration with world class Universities.
"Our collaboration with world class Universities keep
soaring. By next year, our students will be going to
Germany. This is because we want them to have
opportunities their peers in other Universities in Nigeria
don’t have."

In separate addresses, the Director, International Office,
FUTA, Prof. Akintunde Akindahunsi, represented by Mr.
John Osadeyi, the Chairman, Committee of Deans and
Dean, School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology,
SAAT, Professor Shadrach Akindele and the Registrar,
Dr. (Mrs.) Modupe Ajayi admonished the students to
face their studies and not misuse the opportunity.
The Twelve students in the FUTA- FAMU Class of
2016/2017 are:
1. Adegbulugbe, Oluwanifemi T. Civil Engineering
2. Adeniji, Oluwasegun Samuel Civil Engineering
3. Aderibigbe, Temilola Oluwagbemiga Mathematics
4. Akintola, Taofeek Kayode Electrical & Electronics
5. Okogbue, Emmanuel Ebube Electrical & Electronics
6. Akingboye, Patricia Odun Crop, Soil & Pest
7. Bilau, Ibrahim Ajao Architecture
8. Fiola, Tolulope E. Industrial Design
9. Ojo, Oluwafemi, Emmanuel Metallurgical & Materials
10. Oladosu, Olayinka Michael Metallurgical & Materials
11. Obinegbo, Oluchukwu Chidinma Physics
12. Ologunagba, Damilola Esther Physics.

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