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BasketMouth And Sean tizzle Finally Settled Squash Beef After A Year

BasketMouth And Sean Tizzle

Last year, ace comedian Basket Mouth publicly called out Sean Tizzle for charging unreasonable amount of money to perform in his show.

The comedian who was angry at the attitude from the artiste, vowed never to call the singer for any of his event again.

In an interview, Basketmouth had said;
‘I called on Sean Tizzle and he was charging me a certain amount of money, I didn’t know if it was him or his management that charged me, but I don’t care, I had to tell my team to blacklist his name on any of my shows’.I called on Olamide who’s even a more buzzing act, and he said I can pay him anything I feel like, and he didn’t even ask of his money until way after the show before I paid him’.

Tizzle in his reply on Twitter said:" So I hear they don’t like Me… anyway I love U even though U didn’t come to Me…U went to them… they told Me & now I’m here laughing"

Although, Sean Tizzle denied the comedian's accusations, saying he wasn’t aware about the show, it now appears that was a mere cover up. The issue has kept both of them at opposite sides as they have refused to resolve the issue ever since.

However this all changed on Basketmouth's birthday, when Tizzle in a tweet revealed that he has settled his difference Bright Okpocha.

He said: “I want to also use this medium to appreciate and thank Basket Mouth who I was able to speak with yesterday .You're a leader and a true brother.”

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