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Two Suspected Armed Robbers Arrested By Police In Kano

The Kano State Police Command on Thursday said it had arrested two suspected armed robbers who terrorised some residents during the ongoing Eid-el-Kabir celebrations in Kano metropolis. The Command’s Public Relations Officer, DSP Magaji Majiya, confirmed the arrest in an interview with reporters in Kano.

Majiya said the suspects, Abdulraham Mohammed and Aminu Abdullahi, were apprehended along Abdullahi Bayero Road in Kano metropolis after an attack on some victims. “The two suspected armed robbers were arrested after they attacked their victims and items recovered from them include two knives and cell phones,’’ he said. He said one of their victims who sustained serious injuries had been taken to hospital for treatment. He said the State Commissioner of Police, Mr Rabi’u Yusuf, had ordered the transfer of the case to the State Criminal Investigation Department (CID) for proper Investigation. Majiya said as soon as investigation was completed, the suspects would be charged to court. The Police Spokesman urged residents to continue to be vigilant and report any suspected persons to security agents for prompt action. NAN recalls that on Wednesday some miscreants around Magwan area, Audu Bako way, attacked some children and dispossessed them of their belongings.

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