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BREAKING : Boko-Haram Threaten Buhari In New Released Video

The militant sect under the leadership of Abubakar Shekau showed members in three separate praying grounds in Borno and the Lake Chad area. Meanwhile, the leader of the faction, Shekau was obviously absent in the recording.
One of the factions of the deadly Boko Haram sect has unveiled a new video showing how the terrorists in their thousands observed prayers during the Eid ceremony.

The Boko Haram faction threatened President Muhammadu Buhari, saying that its members are still many and stay resilient despite the Nigerian army operation that killed scores of its foot soldiers and recaptured Nigerian territory under its control.

The group said: “This is our eid prayer from us and by the support of our leader Imam Abubakar Al-Shekau. We are extending our greetings to our people and fighters. “Message to the infidels and the leader of the entire infidels (kafir) who is the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, that he should know we are very strong and doing very good. “By the will of Allah under the leadership of our leader (Shekau) will capture Buhari with our hands.”

Watch the video below:

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