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Early Goal Gives Leicester City Advantage And Solid Win.

Leicester City shut the mouths of the doubters in a grand style as they put in a very solid performance in their debut match in the Champions’ League game played away from home against Club Brugge in Belgium yesterday.

Many people had predicted that Leicester F.C. were going to be “taken to the cleaners” when they play in this year’s Champions League Competition. However like some of us have always argued and suspected, this team is out to disappoint their critics.

The first of such “disappointments’ was served in grand style yesterday as they took their opponents “to the cleaners” instead.

Claudio Ranieri felt scoring early was crucial as Leicester City kicked off their debut season in the Champions League with a 3-0 win over Club Brugge.

The Premier League champions went into their first European game off the back of a 4-1 loss to Liverpool on Saturday, a result that dropped them to 16th place in the table.

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